Daniel Giampá Ticianeli

Daniel Giampá Ticianeli is a founding partner at Baraldi Mélega Advogados, a firm distinguished for its labor and employment law counsel across Brazil and to international clients. He is lauded for his deep-seated knowledge in this specialty, as well as for the exceptional commitment and customized attention he dedicates to his clientele. His adeptness in orchestrating legal strategies is particularly evident when dealing with intricate cases involving public civil actions, collective lawsuits, advisory on Public Ministry of Labor inquiries, and the construction of defensive administrative pleas.

In his pivotal role at Baraldi Mélega Advogados, Daniel infuses the firm with his seasoned insights, propelling it to new heights with his innovative and effective legal solutions.

  • Specific skills:

 Leadership in Public Civil and Collective Actions
 Consultation on Labor Prosecution Affairs
 Formulation of Administrative Legal Defense
 Labor litigation and Corporate legal compliance.
 Consultancy on business restructuring within Brazil's complex labor framework.

  • Languages:

 English (Advanced)

  • Professional memberships:

 Member of the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB), the Brazilian Bar Association.

  • Education:

 Law Degree, University of Bauru
 Postgraduate Specialization in Labor Law and Labor Process, Pontifícia Universidade Católica
de São Paulo – PUC/SP
 Expertise in Corporate Syndical Law, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).